Vision doesn’t just happen. A child’s brain learns how to use eyes to see, just like it learns how to use legs to walk or a mouth to form words. Thus, an uncorrected vision problem can interfere with a child’s ability to learn and reach his/her highest potential academically, socially and athletically. The longer a vision problem goes undiagnosed and untreated, the more a child’s brain learns to accommodate the vision problem. High-quality eye care can break down these barriers and help enable your children to reach their highest potential.
That is why a comprehensive eye examination is so important for children. Early detection of children’s vision problems is essential to make sure your kids have the visual skills they need to do well in school, sports and other activities.
When Do Your Children Need an Eye Exam?
The Nigerian Optometric Association recommends that infants have their first eye exam by 6 months of age and that children have an eye exam at 3 years before entering kindergarten and then between 5 and 6 years just before first grade and annually thereafter.
At De-Lens Ophthalmics we provide children’s eye care starting as early as infanthood and our practices are made to be comfortable and welcoming to every member of your family including elderly, helping you feel at home with our staff. Our staff can help you schedule appointment with our eye doctors specially trained in pediatric vision exams and children’s eye care.
Signs That Your Child Needs An Eye Check
Tired Eyes
If your child wears a tired look after reading, he/she needs a proper eye examination.
Poor Grades
A child whose grades recently nose-dived may be as a result of poor vision. The child may be unable to see the board resulting in loss of concentration in class.
Poor Reading
One classic sign of a visual problem in a child is when a parent notices that the child reads slowly or repeatedly jump words while reading.
Itchy Eyes
If a child complains of itchy, burning or watery eyes, then that child is an ideal candidate for a thorough eye examination.
Excess Blinking
Excessive blinking is always related to itchy eyes. If a child is suspected to blink at a higher rate than his/her peers, then an examination is recommended.
Head Tilting
If a child tilts his/her head to a side of the shoulder or move their head back and forth instead of just their eyes while reading, then this might be a sign of an eye condition.
If a child complains of feeling sleepy while reading or takes longer time completing an assignment, this child might benefit from a thorough eye examination.
Although some headaches are unrelated to eye conditions, children that complain of frequent headache should have their eyes checked.
Other Classroom Problems
When children complain of difficulty copying from a chalkboard or textbook, it is usually due to short-sightedness.
Have problems with coordination in sports